News: Tom Friedman's Twisted Math Art

Tom Friedman's Twisted Math Art

Tom Friedman is one of my favorite artists. He's got a great sense of humor, and his work is meticulous and beautiful. He forays into Math Art, and from a partisan perspective, he seems to be inspired by mathematics, but the end results are more of a whimsical twist than a mathematically "correct" execution. But I could be totally wrong. Comment below and fill me in.

Note: Friedman came to mind when I came across Math Craft admin Cory Poole's pencil art… I'm dying for some pencil art projects! They're awesome.

Tom Friedman's Twisted Math Art

Tom Friedman's Twisted Math Art

Tom Friedman's Twisted Math Art

Tom Friedman's Twisted Math Art

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Wow. Cool stuff. I love the third picture of the big pencil knot. I've thought about making pieces like in the first two pictures. I'm afraid I'll hurt myself though! I've seen similar pieces using colored pencil tips that look pretty awesome. I'm not exactly sure how the last one works. Are those suspended from the ceiling by fishing line or something like that?

Rachel said "I'm dying for some pencil art projects! They're awesome." I have posted a picture on the corkboard of a model that you could technically make from pencils - if you had nearly 400 of the things

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