I finally got around to making the pentakis dodecahedron from the instructions in Math Craft admin Cory Poole's blog post. It's not tightened/straightened up yet because I just noticed that I have two black and white and two blue and green compound modules next to each other (but no purple and pink modules next to each other—to the math experts, this is a parity thing, as you can only have even numbers of modules paired up next to each other).
I am still pretty happy with it, but after posting, it is going to be deconstructed to get the colours right. I might even abandon the multi-colour aspect and go for just two colours, as I think it might be more striking.
One other thing I tried for the first time was small sonobe. I was enchanted by Rachel's tiny sonobe models here so I decided I would make the pentakis from pretty small squares of paper. This model is made from squares 5cm wide on each side. To get an idea of scale, here is the model in my hand:
Here is a cube made from the same size sonobe (the cubes will have to become Christmas tree decorations):
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