I'm a noob to this so I apologize for the ignorance. I've noticed that drawing simple things that are mathematically inspired like Snake knots , Julia sets , Escher's work on hyperbolic planes or eve ...
Download the SoftwareGo to the Antiprism downloads page. Download and install Antiprism 0.20. Run the ProgramsYou need a method of running programs on the command line. In Windows, that could be a DO ...
Mario Marín has made an incredible collection of models and sculptures based on polyhedra, often using everyday and readily available items. The site is in Spanish, but click on the links on the left ...
This is a zigzag tensegrity based on a small stellated dodecahedron. There are string pentagons on the outside of the model where the vertices have opened. It is made of thirty units, consisting of a ...
Hey! I'm First Assistant to Photographer Richard Foster - http://richardfoster.com/ And we're planning a shoot involving elegant curved sculptural mathcraft creations. We really need your top skills. ...
Below, my construction of a Platonic Solid made from playing cards. To make your own, templates can be found at George Hart's site; there are also full step-by-step instructions here. ...
After I made a blog and sent it to my friends about how I made Gingerbreadman Map fractal holiday cookies, one of them linked me back to the Sierpinski Carpet cookies, which I loved! So, I thought I'd ...
Oobject put together a neat compilation of the famous telephone inventor's love for tetrahedrons. Scroll down to see his collection of pyramids, building towers, buildings, boats, kites and planes—all ...