News: Modular Paper Sculptures Based off of Richard Sweeney's Work

Modular Paper Sculptures Based off of Richard Sweeney's Work

Here's my version of his icosahedron:

Modular Paper Sculptures Based off of Richard Sweeney's Work

I colored it in this one so that you can see the pentagonal faces of a dodecahedron:

Modular Paper Sculptures Based off of Richard Sweeney's Work

Here I made one that looks like a cube:

Modular Paper Sculptures Based off of Richard Sweeney's Work

Some of my students asked me how to make these and they took it a step further and made something based off of the truncated icosahedron which is one of the common stitching patterns on a soccer ball.

Modular Paper Sculptures Based off of Richard Sweeney's Work

Three years ago I made a wreath based off of Richard Sweeney's curved triangular unit and Thomas Hull's modular origami tori:

Modular Paper Sculptures Based off of Richard Sweeney's Work

 Everything is made from flat paper.  The curvature is due to the folding process.

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1 Comment

Can you please share tutorial for same.....i would really like to try.

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